Russian Invasion of Ukraine-One of Many Invasions by Russia
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine-One of Many Invasions by Russia
Background of the History of Russian Invasions and the Desire of Captive Nations to Become Independent of Russian Control
Prior to the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, two days prior, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a rambling, historically significant, if terribly inaccurate (historically speaking) speech, about how Ukraine is a danger to Russia. Following this speech, Putin signed documents stating that Russia recognized the independence of two sections of eastern Ukraine that have been occupied by Moscow for eight years. Putin then sent in the Russian military to “help” the two new “independent” people’s republics resist Ukrainian “aggression.” All this was a pretext for an official invasion and de facto annexation of the Donbass region of Ukraine by Russia. The Kremlin is pushing out historically inaccurate propaganda, and we hope to counter Putin’s lies with the facts.
Many analysts expect this de facto seizure of Ukrainian land as only the prelude to a wider and more destructive invasion of Ukraine by Russia. In his speech, Putin laid out several historically inaccurate allegations, including one that stated that Ukraine and other former Russian and/or Soviet territories should not be independent nations.
Adding to Putin’s blatantly imperialistic and revanchist comments, we also had a statement from Putin’s Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, who stated:
“We remind you that Russia has never attacked anyone throughout its history. And Russia, which has survived so many wars, is the last country in Europe that wants to speak at all, even pronounce the word ‘war’”
Let us look at two things, in order to define the historic facts around Russian and Soviet history with other nations. The goal here is to counter the Kremlin-driven propaganda on this topic. First, we will look at the nations that have gained independence from Russia and/or the Soviet Union since the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent Russian Civil War. Based on Putin’s speech of February 21, these nations are now considered by the Kremlin as not being legitimate nations. Second, we will look at who Russia has actually invaded since 1939 (the start of World War Two in Europe) to counter the patently false claim that Russia has never invaded anyone. We will include post-independence Russian/Soviet invasion for those nations that broke away from Russia post-World War One, as well.
A List of Nations that gained independence from Russia and/or the Soviet Union since the Russian Revolution of 1917.
- Finland– Gained independence during the Russian Civil War period/Finnish War of Independence.
- Estonia– Gained independence during the Russian Civil War period/Estonian War of Independence. Was invaded by the Soviets in 1940, and then regained independence with the fall of the Soviet regime in 1991.
- Latvia– Gained independence during the Russian Civil War period/Latvian War of Independence. Was invaded by the Soviets in 1940, and then regained independence with the fall of the Soviet regime in 1991.
- Lithuania– Gained independence during the Russian Civil War period/Lithuanian War of Independence. Was invaded by the Soviets in 1940, and then regained independence with the fall of the Soviet regime in 1991.
- Poland– Gained independence following the Russian defeat in World War One. Was invaded by the Soviets in 1920, but defeated the invaders. Lost independence again in 1939 when invaded by Germany and the Soviets. Gained independence again after World War Two, but had to suffer from Russian occupation and the imposition of a pro-Soviet Communst regime.
- Belarus-Gained independence with the fall of the Soviet regime in 1991.
- Ukraine-Declared independence during the Russian Civil War but was conquered by Lenin’s Red Army and was absorbed into the Soviet Union. Ukrainian resistance to Soviet rule led to The Holodomor, a genocidal act of intentional starvation against Ukrainians by the Soviet regime. Ukraine gained full independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Moldava-Gained independence with the fall of the Soviet regime in 1991.
- Georgia-Declared independence during the Russian Civil War but was conquered by Lenin’s Red Army and was absorbed into the Soviet Union. Georgia gained full independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Armenia– Declared independence during the Russian Civil War but was conquered by Lenin’s Red Army and was absorbed into the Soviet Union. Armenia gained full independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Azerbaijan– Declared independence during the Russian Civil War but was conquered by Lenin’s Red Army and was absorbed into the Soviet Union. Azerbaijan gained full independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Kazakhstan-Gained independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Tajikistan-Gained independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Uzbekistan-Gained independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
- Kyrgyzstan-Gained independence in 1991 with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
A List of Nations that have been invaded by Russia and/or the Soviet Union since the 1917 Russian Revolution.
We are NOT including invasions of nations by the Red Army in the later parts of World War Two, as the Russians were kicking out the German and other Axis forces from Axis-occupied territory. However, in those eastern European nations “liberated” from the Germans, the Soviets instituted a 40-year occupation and imposed pro-Russian Communist rule. We are also not counting the Soviet offensive into Japanese-held Chinese and Korean territory in the last days of World War Two, or the invasion of several northern Japanese islands.
- Finland-Invaded by Russia twice, once during the Finnish War of Independence, and then in 1939, when the Soviets made a deal with Hitler to put Finland in the Russian “Sphere of Influence.”
- Ukraine (UPDATED 02.24.22)–Invaded by Russia multiple times. During the Russian Revolution/Civil War, Ukraine declared independence from Russia, but was quickly invaded by Lenin’s Red Army. In 1991, with the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine achieved full independence. In 2014, Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea region of Ukraine, followed by Russian military support for pro-Moscow rebels in the eastern Donbass region. In 2022, Russia declared the rebel-held areas “independent,” and openly sent thousands of troops into the disputed region of Ukraine. This was the opening move in the latest Russian invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin essentially declared war on Ukraine in an early morning televised address on Thursday, February 24, 2022. Russian forces immediately began a massive assault on Ukraine, including missile and air attacks on Ukrainian military facilities and infrastructure. Russian ground forces (apparantly joined by troops of the Belarusan military), crossed the border at multiple points.
- Georgia-Invaded by Russia twice, once in the Russian Civil war period, when a briefly independent Georgia was forced into the Soviet Union, and again in 2008 when Russia invaded in support of pro-Moscow rebels.
- Armenia-Invaded by Russia during the Russian Civil war period, when a briefly independent Armenia was forced into the Soviet Union.
- Azerbaijan-Invaded by Russia during the Russian Civil war period, when a briefly independent Azerbaijan was forced into the Soviet Union.
- Estonia– Invaded by Russia twice, once during the Estonian War of Independence, and then in 1940, after the Soviets made a deal with Hitler to put the Baltic States in the Russian “Sphere of Influence.”
- Latvia–Invaded by Russia twice, once during the Latvian War of Independence, and then in 1940, after the Soviets made a deal with Hitler to put the Baltic States in the Russian “Sphere of Influence.”
- Lithuania–Invaded by Russia twice, once during the Lithuanian War of Independence, and then in 1940, after the Soviets made a deal with Hitler to put the Baltic States in the Russian “Sphere of Influence.”
- Poland-Invaded by Russia twice since 1920, once during the Russo-Polish War of 1920, in which Lenin’s Red Army tried to re-conquer Poland, and then in 1939, after the Soviets made a deal with Hitler to divide up Poland between them. Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939, and then the Soviets invaded Poland from the east on September 22, 1939. NOTE: Russia has invaded and occupied Poland and Polish territory many times in pre-World War One history also.
- Romania-Also as a result of the Soviet-German treaty, Russia invaded Romania and seized what is now called Moldava in 1940.
- Hungary-Occupied by the Soviets during World War Two and forced to live under a Communist regime, the Hungarian people rebelled against their Communist government in 1956. This Hungarian Revolution was crushed by the invading Soviet Red Army.
- Czechoslovakia-In 1968, a reform movement called “Prague Spring” was led by the Czechoslovak leader. Seeing this as an anti-Communist movement, the Soviet Union led a combined army of Warsaw Pact troops in a swift invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the imposition of a pro-Russian government.
- Afghanistan-The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in December, 1979 to prevent the overthrow of the Communist Afghan regime. Following the initial invasion and conquest, the Soviets engaged in a ten-year occupation and counter-insurgency war against the Jihadi Mujahadeen, before withdrawing in defeat.
- Chechnya-Chechnya is a region of south Russia that enjoyed a sort of independence briefly after winning the First Chechen War against Russia. In 1999, Russian forces invaded and crushed the Chechens, destroying the city of Grozny in the process.
- In addition to these outright military invasions, the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia have engaged in numerous proxy wars, military interventions, border conflicts with neighbors, and shadow wars against multiple foes during the Cold War and in the years since. Those actions are not listed here as they do not constitute “invasions” of victim nations.
These two lists, of nations that gained freedom from Russian and Soviet tyranny, and of those nations subjected to invasion by Russia in recent history show the blatant lies put forth by Putin and his propaganda machine. Putin’s Russia is attempting to undo the wave of freedom and independence that brought liberty and sovereignty to tens of millions of people following the breakup of the old Czarist Russian Empire and the even more horrific Soviet Union. As the Kremlin spouts anti-democratic and anti-liberty propaganda in the coming weeks and months, keep the facts in mind.
Sources on Putin’s Speech, along with Russian and Soviet Invasions of Ukraine and other Nations:
Putin Speech from 02.21.2022-on C-SPAN, Feb. 21, 2022
Russia Never Attacked Anyone, Says Kremlin; Slams ‘war’ Narrative Set By West-Republicworld.com, Feb. 20, 2022
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939-Historyguy.com-Treaty in which Russia allied itself with Germany and divided eastern Europe between them.
From Twitter and Social Media:
Images of Russian forces in Belarus, from Twitter, February, 2022
Russian armor near Ukraine, from Twitter, February, 2022
Russian troops at Kyiv airport, from Twitter, February 24, 2022
Keywords: Russia-Ukraine War, Russian Military, Ukraine, Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Putin, NATO,