Israel Hits Targets in Syria
Israel hits Targets in Syria
Following recent infiltration attempts into the Golan Heights by hostile forces, which may be Hezbollah or other Iranian-backed militants, Israel conducted airstrikes on targets inside Syria. Israeli military sources say that Israeli warplanes struck a number of targets inside Syria, including military observation posts, military intelligence targets, anti-aircraft units, and a command and control center. These targets belonged to the Syrian military, according to Israeli sources. The strikes were made by both Israeli helicopters and warplanes, and the targets were in the Quneitra area, which is in southern Syria near the Golan border.
Of interest is the fact that these targets were Syrian, and not Hezbollah or Iranian targets inside Syria. This indicates that Israel is sending a message that the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad is being held responsible for attacks from Syrian territory.
Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, the Assad regime has enjoyed significant military support in its war against rebels. This support, from Tehran and from its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, both of whom maintain military forces inside Syria, has long vexed Israel. With the buildup of Hezbollah and Iranian forces inside of Syria and given the continuing hostilities between Israel and Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria, Israeli forces have conducted numerous airstrikes and missile strikes against targets belonging to all three.
The question is, why is this Israel striking specific Syrian targets instead of Hezbollah or Iranian targets inside Syria? The most likely answer is that of the three, Syria has the least capability of seriously responding to Israeli attacks. Hezbollah has an enormous arsenal of long-range rockets and missiles that could hit Israeli cities if there were to be another major war between Israel and Hezbollah. The 2006 Lebanon War, which is what the 2006 conflict is called in Israel. between Israel and Hezbollah, caused significant damage to both Lebanon and Israel. Israel has engaged in a long-standing covert and proxy conflict with Iran, which is also a nation with significant resources, and a war with Iran could become quite troublesome for Israel. Given the weakened condition of Syria and the Assad regime and his military due to the civil war, Israel has most likely made the strategic decision that Syria is a much easier target, while still getting the message across to both Hezbollah and Iran that he will not tolerate attacks.
In the last week and a half there have been at least two infiltration attempts of the Golan Heights, which is controlled by Israel, from both Lebanon and Syria itself. This follows an Israeli airstrike that killed Iranian and Hezbollah personnel inside Syria. There is no love lost between these foes, and this is most likely not the last cross-border attack from either side.