The Wars of Iraq Historyguy.com>List of Wars by Nation>Wars of Iraq Iraq, as we know it today, did not exist prior to World War One. For…

List of Middle Eastern Wars and Conflicts This list currently covers Middle Eastern wars and conflicts from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War to the…

Comparing America’s Wars by Duration in Months The Length of American Wars Below is a look at America’s major wars and their length in…

We invite you to listen to our podcast of the Iraq War 18th anniversary and the consequences of that invasion. Included: Information on ISIS, Iran,…

18 Years of War in Iraq: Will the Forever Wars End Soon? This week marks the 18th anniversary of one of America’s most controversial wars…

America Responds to Iranian Provocations With Massive Force See also: Timeline of 2019-2020 U.S.-Iran Crisis On January 2, 2020 (Jan. 3 in Iraq), the United…

Was Trump Duped by Iran into Attacking the Iraqi Militia? Iran Benefits From New 2020 Tensions In Iraq With the retaliatory air attack on…