The Suez/Sinai War of 1956 Historyguy.com>Arab-Israeli Wars>Suez/Sinai War of 1956This page deals with the Suez/Sinai War of 1956. Please use the following information, links…

The Crimean War (1853-1856) The Thin Red Line of the 93rd Highlanders of the British Army at the Battle of Balaclava Crimean War Summary…

Wars and Conflicts of France (1945- Present) French Troops Surrendered in large numbers at Dien Bien Phu Wars of the French Revolution |Napoleonic Wars | Wars of the…

Wars of the Papacy and the Papal States Map of the Papal States in the 1840sWars of the Papacy and the Papal States—From the…

The Wars of Vietnam: From the Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present How many wars has Vietnam fought? This question comes up often,…

War in Mali: The British Are Coming The United Kingdom is sending 250 Royal Army troops to West Africa to assist in the conflict…

The question of how many World Wars have taken place in history has come up in response to President Donald Trump’s comment about his former…

A new feature of Historyguy.com is taking questions from our website visitors and answering them in a new post article. If you like this feature,…

The Naming and Linking of Long Wars History is full of instances of protracted conflict that that can go on for generations between two…

Once again, civilians are targeted in a Western nation by Islamic terrorist bent on Jihad. This time, it is the Islamic State taking credit for…