With the combat between Turkish and Syrian forces in the Idlib region increasing, and with an eye toward the recent Russian naval build-up in the…

The currently escalating conflict between the Turks and the Kurds in northern Syria is the latest in a long series of wars in which the…

Memorial Day, 2018 finds American forces deployed around the world, engaged in ongoing combat with various Islamic Jihadist militant groups, including al-Qaida, the Taliban, ISIS/ISIL,…

As reported by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. and Coalition forces continue to conduct strikes against Jihadist targets in Iraq and Syria. …

America’s latest Forgotten War (remember Korea?) rages on. Despite the good news of the fall of the capital of the self-called Islamic State (AKA ISIS,…

Military officials identify the Houthi missile shot at Saudi Arabia from Yemen as having Iranian markings and of being of Iranian manufacture. If true, will…

The coming war between Israel and the Iran/Hezbollah/Syrian axis examined, with analysis of Saudi’s involvement. This link is to the Historyguy twitter account The coming…

Below is a video released by the United States Central Command of airstrikes on Syria on September 23, 2014. The U.S, along with allies Saudi…

On September 22, 2014, American and Coalition forces hit ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State targets inside Syria. The U.S. attacked with a combination of carrier-based warplanes, cruise missiles,…