Let us take stock of the latest troubling tensions between the United States and Iran. The quick version is that the U.S. and Iran almost…

Military officials identify the Houthi missile shot at Saudi Arabia from Yemen as having Iranian markings and of being of Iranian manufacture. If true, will…

UPDATES on wars in Philippines, Afghanistan, Iran, and more… War, Conflict, and History Newsletter-June 10, 2017 The war against ISIS (AKA the…

Why Are Yemen’s Houthis Attacking U.S. Ships? The History of American Intervention in Yemen Over the last week or so, the American navy destroyer USS…

Was Iran Involved in the Attack on the USS Mason? Attack on USS Mason By Yemen Rebels Could Have Major Repercussions The October 9,…

The History the Israeli Military Seizing Ships Carrying Weapons In her ongoing wars with the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza, and the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah…