Updates on X-Men movies and Comic Books. Ultimate X–Men #9 review From AIPT Another adventure with the X–Men:The revelation of mutants continues in Ultimate X–Men #9…

Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2 Comic Book Review (Podcast) Patreon Link Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2 Comic Book Review Our Podcast review of the 2nd…

Spider-Man/Deadpool #5 Comic Book Review Spider-Man and Deadpool team up again! Actually, since the two of them are probably have the most team-ups in…

Detective Comics #934 Comic Book Review As a part of the new DC Comics Rebirth movement, the new Detective Comics #934 is a powerful…

New Star Trek Show is Announced: Starfleet Academy As announced on Startrek.com, CBS/Paramount is touting a NEW Star Trek TV show called “Starfleet Academy.” …

Echo Trailer Is the First Marvel Spotlight Show The first trailer for the upcoming Disney+ Marvel show, Echo, just dropped. Echo, as you may recall,…
Star Wars Timeline (Movies and TV only) The Star Wars universe was born out of the mind of George Lucas in 1977 with the release…

The Kenobi Show is GREAT! Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 1 and 2-Review and Commentary (first part non-spoilers, second part, with warning, has spoilers) Intro…

What the Show is About and Who is Your Host? This podcast is part of the Comics History Website. Welcome to our Introductory Podcast of…

Our Spoiler-free look at Marvels’ Eternals Movie, the Good, and the Bad Eternals Review Marvel’s latest entry in their ever-expanding universe of superhero mythology goes…