New Star Trek Show is Announced: Starfleet Academy As announced on Startrek.com, CBS/Paramount is touting a NEW Star Trek TV show called “Starfleet Academy.” …

Echo Trailer Is the First Marvel Spotlight Show The first trailer for the upcoming Disney+ Marvel show, Echo, just dropped. Echo, as you may recall,…

Breaking News…Captain America is shot dead in New York… “It’s a hell of a time for him to go. We really need him now.”…
Star Wars Timeline (Movies and TV only) The Star Wars universe was born out of the mind of George Lucas in 1977 with the release…

The Marvel Disney+ Show Just Gets Better and Better…Here Are Some Ideas Of What Is Really Happening… My Latest WandaVision theory (post-Episode 6) Coming up…

What is wrong with this story? Deadpool Gets a Time Machine. What Could Go Wrong? Continuity Conundrum: Dazzler in Deadpool Comics (Review from 2014 on…

Review: Deadpool: Dracula’s Gauntlet #1 and 2 Vampires, a Succubus, the Daywalker, and a Zebra-A Pretty Full Day for Deadpool… Deadpool: Dracula’s Gauntlet #1 and…