Elizabeth Taylor
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The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor - (February 27, 1932-March 23, 2011) also known as Liz Taylor, is an English/American actress. Taylor first gained fame as a child movie star, but she grew to be known for her acting talent and her beauty. Elizabeth Taylor's "Hollywood lifestyle" also kept her in the gossip column and in the public's eye over the decades, long after her acting career effectively ended. Elizabeth Taylor's is also somewhat infamously known for her many marriages and her many divorces. Taylor is considered one of the great actresses of Hollywood's golden age. The American Film Institute named Taylor seventh on its Female Legends list.
Elizabeth Taylor passed away March 23, 2011 after a long illness at the age of 79.
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Career and Life Highlights of Arthur Duncan
Parents:Francis Lenn Taylor (18971968) --FatherSara Viola Warmbrodt (18951994),--Mother
Howard Taylor Taylor
Conrad Hilton, Jr. (19501951)Michael Wilding (19521957)
Mike Todd (19571958)
Eddie Fisher (19591964)
Richard Burton (19641974)
Richard Burton (19751976)
John Warner (19761982)
Larry Fortensky (19911996)
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