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Representative Dave Reichert
R-8th District, Washington
(b. 1950)
Dave Reichert- (b. 1950, in Detroit Lakes, Minn.)
Dave Reichert became only the third representative in the 24-year history of Washington's 8th Congressional District when he defeated radio talk-show host Dave Ross on election day, 2004. Reichert succesfully defended his seat in 2006 and 2008, both times against Democrat Darcy Burner.
Reichert touted himself as a somewhat moderate conservative to appeal to swing voters in the largely suburban district. The 8th District is dominated by the heavily Republican cities of Bellevue, Mercer Island and the very well-to-do "Eastside" towns of Redmond (home to Microsoft Corp.), Issaquah, and Woodinville. The southern part of the district includes the more Democratic Party influenced cities of Renton, Kent, and Auburn. The southernmost part of the 8th includes the more conservative Lake Tapps region and the cities of Bonney Lake, Buckley, and Enumclaw.
Reichert was underwent emergency brain surgery on March 24, 2010 after being hit in the head with a tree branch. Due to the injury he developed a subdural hematoma . By October, 2010, Reichert had made a full recovery and was back on the campaign trail. Reichert's 2010 opponent is Democrat Suzan DelBene.
Reichert and his family currently live in Auburn, Washington.
--Kent-Meridian High School (Kent, Washington)--Concordia Lutheran College (Portland, Oregon)
--Reichert became the first elected Sheriff of King County, Washington in 1997 when he won election after a voter initiative changing the job from a position appointed by the King County Executive to a nonpartisan post chosen by county voters. He won with 72% of the vote. Voters re-elected him in 2001.--As a member of the King County Sheriff's Office for over 30 years, Reichert had an important role in the investigation of the Green River Killer. When investigators finally identified and arrested Gary Ridgeway of Auburn, Reichert was in his second elected term as Sheriff.
Copyright © 1998-2010 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 10.10.10
"The History Guy" is a Registered Trademark.
Julie --Wife
Religion: Missouri Synod Lutheran.
Political Opponents
Darcy Burner (2008 Congressional Election)
General Election Vote Results (Nov. 2008)Burner--------47%Reichert------53%
Darcy Burner (2006 Congressional Election)
General Election Vote Results (Nov. 2006)Burner--------49%Reichert------51%
Dave Ross (2004 Congressional Election)
Reichert (R): 173,298 votes (51.5003%)Ross (D): 157,148 votes (46.7009%)
Spencer Garrett (L): 6,053 votes (1.7988%)
Links and Resources on Dave Reichert
Reichert for Congress Website--The Candidate's political website.
Official Congressional Website--Representative Reichert's official House site.
Washington Secretary of State's website for the 2004 election
Site Map--revision in progress