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Politics With
The History Guy
Candidate Dave Ross D-8th District, Washington
(b. 1952)
The History Guy Website Copyright © 1998-2006 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 10.08.06
Dave Ross- (b. April 5, 1952 in Yorktown, New York)
Dave Ross is a well-known radio talk show host at Seattle's KIRO-AM 710, since 1987. He ran for Washington's 8th District Congressional seat in the 2004 election, losing to incumbent republican Dave Reichert.
--Graduate of Cornell UniversityAccomplishments:
--Received the 2001 and and 2005 Edward R. Murrow Award for Commentary.
--Member of the Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan Society, where he regularly appears in performances at the Seattle Center.
-- 1974-1978 --reporter at WSB in Atlanta, Georgia.--1978-Present-- KIRO radio 710 News anchor and talk show host
"The History Guy" is a Registered Trademark.
Lee, R. "The History Guy: Candidate Dave Ross"
Patti Ross --Wife
two daughtersPolitical Opponents
Dave Reichert (2004 Congressional Election)
Reichert (R): 173,298 votes (51.5003%)Ross (D): 157,148 votes (46.7009%)
Spencer Garrett (L): 6,053 votes (1.7988%)
Alex Alben-(2004 Congressional Primary Election)--Democratic Primary Opponent
Heidi Behrens-Benedict (2004 Congressional Primary Election)----Democratic Primary Opponent
Links and Resources on Dave Ross
Dave Ross --personal website
Washington Secretary of State's website for the 2004 election
Dave Ross--Wikipedia article
Site Map--revision in progress