The Expendables 2 Movie Review
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The Expendables 2, is the sequel to the 2010 Expendables movie which introduced Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross, the leader of a group of highly skilled mercenaries, played by some of Hollywood's top action-movie stars.The sequel, set to hit theaters on August 17, 2012, features the same basic cast of characters, to whit: Barney Ross, the leader of the Expendables, (Sylvester Stallone), former SAS soldier and blades specialist Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), martial artist Yin Yang (Jet Li), sniper Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), weapons specialist Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) and demolitions expert Toll Road (Randy Couture), as well as Mr. Church (Bruce Willis), Mr. Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger), and introducing Liam Hemsworth as Bill the Kid, Chuck Norris as Booker, and featuring the "Muscles from Brussels," Jean Claude Van Damme as the Villain.
The first Expendables movie introduced these characters as mercenaries who kill for good causes. Sort of a muscles of steel, heart of gold theme. Stallone, the leader of this group of nice killers, has his hands full keeping them in line. At one point, he fires one of them and then decides to take a job overthrowing a Latin American dictator. One of the most thrilling moments in this first movie (for an action-movie junkie), came when Stallone met with the men who set him up on the mission to Latin America. Meeting in a church, Stallone deals with two mysterious characters, Mr. Church and Mr. Trench. They turn out to be Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger (who was still Governor of California at the time).
The Expendables take the mission, save the girl, (and isn't there always a pretty girl to save?), kill the bad guy and his men (lots of them), and go back home to New Orleans to party. Oh, and Mickey Rourke has a fairly short role in this film as the equipment tech (named Tool), but his monologue is moving, emotional, and is a good showcase for his acting chops.
The Expendables 2 hit American theaters on August 17, 2012.
Movie Review Summary:
If you are an action-movie fan, especially a fan of the action flicks made by Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Norris, Van Damme, and others like them, you will love this movie. Expendables 2 is full of action, full of action-movie stars, and has quite a few hilarious one-liners that refer back to the classic action flicks that these guys starred in oh, so many years ago.
The story begins with the Expendables taking on a rebel warlord in the mountains of Nepal, whacking tons of bad guys to save one guy. After that, they regroup back in their New Orleans base and party. We meet new Expendable Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth, who looks like a junior Thor), who is a sniper who gaine combat experience fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Without giving up any spoilers, let's just say that a certain bald-headed hero pops up, sends Stallone and crew on a mission that should be a "piece of cake," (code-word for action fans that lots of stuff will go wrong on the mission), and off our good guys go, with a new asset in tow, Maggie (played by Nan Yu), a female who is "combat proficient," which is action code for "she can kick butt with the bad boys."
Nan Yu in the Expendables 2
So, our crew heads off to the Balkans on the mission for Mr. Church, and they meet up with Vilain (a villainous Jean-Claude Van Damme) who is a really nasty guy. Vilain does some villainous stuff that makes Stallone really mad, and the rest of the movie is basically action, killing, and blowing stuff up to get to the climactic hand-to-hand combat between our main hero and our bad guy. Along the way, we meet up with Lone Wolf McQuade, the Terminator, and John McClane (Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwazenegger, and Bruce Willis, come on guys...) who join up with Stallone's crew to put the hurt on the bad guys. One of the most enjoyable parts of the film were the one-liners these guys tossed around in reference to their past films and film characters, as well as a jaw-dropping reference to Chuck Norris tough-guy mythology.
In conclusion, if you are an action-movie fan, you will enjoy this The Expendables 2.
Movie Review Summary:
Movies and TV Reviewed by on August 17, 2012. The Expendables 2 is a movieaction-movie fans, especially fans of action flicks by Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Norris, Van Damme, and others like them.The Expendables 2 is a fun, action-filled shoot-em up that gives fans what they want! Rating: 4.0
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