The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review
Copyright © 1998-2012 History Guy Media and; Last Modified: 08.30.12
This is a NO SPOILER review of the Dark Knight Rises Movie Christian Bale as Batman: The Dark Knight, battling Bane
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The Dark Knight Movie
Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) in The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises, is the third installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman/Dark Knight trilogy, which began with Batman Begins in 2005, and continued with the huge hit, The Dark Knight in 2008. In the first of these films, Batman, played by Christian Bale, begins his career as a masked vigilante in battle with The Scarecrow. In The Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader takes on the insane Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker, played supererbly by the late Heath Ledger.This latest iteration of the Dark Knight saga takes place eight years (in movie time), after Batman battles both the Joker and Two-Face. At the end of The Dark Knight, Batman takes the blame for the death of Harvey Dent/Two-Face, so that the public does not know the villain that Dent, the District Attorney for Gotham City became. Batman went into seclusion, as did his secret alter ego, billionaire Bruce Wayne. The movie assumes the audience is familar with the major recurring characters from the first two movies and goes on to show that Gotham City is a more peaceful place since the death of Harvey Dent and the passage of legislation in his name (since he died a hero in the public's eye), with a thousand criminals denied parole over the past eight years, inlcuding some from the first Batman movie.
(The details provided here are intended to give away no more than what can be learned from the Dark Knight Rises movie trailers and tv commercials).
Gotham is fairly peaceful until a new villain named Bane shows up with his army of henchmen. He is basically a terrorist with an agenda of destruction, and he visits a terrible retribution on Gotham. Batman faces him and is, and has, shall we say, a difficult time defeating him in their first encounter. Tom Hardy as Bane is malevelent, evil, and oddly enough, almost Shakespearan and biblical in his multiple speeches and pronouncements. Bane's agenda is basically "Occupy Gotham," literally, and in a much more violent fashion than the political movemnt of 2011 and 2012.
Anne Hathaway is Selina Kyle, alias the Catwoman, a jewely thief with a dislike of the rich and powerful, but who seems to have a soft spot for the Batman. Just as in the comics and in the earlier Batman tv shows and movies, the Catwoman is not as evil as her sometimes cohorts in crime. Anne Hathaway portrays the Catwoman with grace, and a nicely gymanstic fighting style. And, it must be said, in her Catwoman costume, Anne Hathaway is perhaps the sexiest and most sultry version of Catwoman yet to hit the silver screen.
The inclusion of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays Gotham police officer John Blake, is interesting. He has a very large role in the movie, but the true nature of what he is capable of is not seen until the end.
And, speaking of the end, I will not provide spoilers here, (a review with spoilers will be posted later), but I can say that the ending of Dark Knight Rises will take your breath away. The finale of this film is will be seen as a classic end ot a thrilling trilogy and an emotional roller-coaster. The ending of The Dark Knght Rises brought a wave of applause and cheers from the audience at the midnight showing I attended. All I can say is WOW!! This film rates five full stars!
Quasi-Spoiler Below:
One thing to look out for when you see The Dark Knight Rises, are the several instances of foreshadowing in the film. Some things are only clear after you see what happens, and some things leave you thinking, "Oh, that is what was meant when So-And-So said that to You-Know-Who.
To catch most of the flashback scenes, be sure you are familiar with the details of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. And, I must say, one of the films lighter moments brougth forth spontaneous applause from the midnight audience was a surprise appearance from a character from a past Batman film. That is all I will say on that in this review. Look for the full, spoilers-included review soon.
In early July, a 13-minute sneak peak video of promotional scenes from the movie as well as some behind-the-scenes interviews, hit the internet, fueling more interest and speculation as to what exactly happens to Batman in this film. See The Dark Knight Rises sneak peek video here:
Movie Review Summary:
Movies and TV Reviewed by on July 20, 2012. Positive Non-Spoiler Review: The Dark Knight Rises is a magnificent capstone to Christopher Nolan's now-classic Dark Knight Trilogy.The Dark Knight Rises is possibly the best superhero movie ever made! It is THAT good! Rating: 5.0
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13 Minute Sneak Peek Video of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Returns.
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