My Latest WandVision Theory (post-Episode 6)
My Latest WandVision theory (post-Episode 6)
Coming up with theories as to what is happening in WandaVision is the new geeky obsession…Warning, my theory has SPOILERS to episode 6: All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

Ok, so here we are…Last SPOILER ALERT…
Points to point out, in no particular order:
- When the kids aged up the first time, it was right after Agnes sprayed them with “lavendar.” She was also present when they aged up in order to adopt the puppy. After Sparky died, she was present also, and the death of the dog (who was still in Agnes’ arms!) may have been designed to cause the kids to choose to age up again. The twins (the kids, not the grown-ups) are clearly aware that Wanda is able to control reality. They know their lives are not normal, and they break the fourth wall. Wanda’s only control over them is as a mom, not as a metahuman. Hmmm…which implies that they are somehow influenced (created?) by a power other than Wanda’s. Things seem to point to Agnes (or is she Agatha?)…
- The word ‘nightmare” was used multiple times in Episode 6, which leads some to think that Dr. Strange’s old foe Nightmare is involved. Problems with that theory include that he can only control people when they sleep. When Wanda exited Westview in Episode 5, she was clearly awake. Nightmare may be a red herring. (continued in next post)
- Pietro also is clearly not under Wanda’s mental control. He is aware that she is controlling things, and asks her how. He also knows he is a character in her little TV sitcom world, (which Agnes also seemed to realize in Episode 5). Also, Pietro openly challenges Wanda, again indicating that even if she somehow brought him to Westview from across the multiverse (Fox/X-Men…oh yeah), he still has some independent thought. Or someone else is controlling or prompting him. Agnes again? Or someone else?
- Which brings up another mind-control point. Some theories out there have Dottie as Emma Frost (another mutant potentially from the Fox X-Men universe), which leads to thoughts of the Hellfire Club (Emma belonged to this mutant cabal when she first appeared in X-Men #129). A particularly important member of that group was Jason Wyngarde, AKA Mastermind, a mutant with the ability to manipulate people’s minds. Dottie’s husband in Westview is Phil Jones, a rather large-nosed guy rocking a major mustache. That description DOES sound like Mastermind. Might the Hellfire Club (and therefore a mutant presence in the MCU) be behind what is happening?

As each episode drops, our theories and ideas evolve. This is a great show, and the potential key changes to the MCU grow with each new episode of WandaVision!
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