
Comic Book And Superhero News March 10, 2019

Curating news from the world of comic books and superheroes for you…

Batman News

Batman Damned #1
Batman Damned #1

How that Batman full-frontal nudity thing affected DC Comics……/batman-damned-forced-dc-to-…/

Captain Marvel Movie Review (at least the ones we found interesting!)

“Captain Marvel is a great superhero film for many reasons, but one of them is that it sees Marvel Studios tell its best origin story yet—not just of that one character getting some powers, but of that character discovering her destiny, her reason to get back up when the world tries to shove her down. ”…/captain-marvel-review-the-hero-w…/

Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)
Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)

The Captain Marvel movie Rocks! Here is a good review……/captain-marvel-is-about-female-pow…/

Yes, Captain Marvel was very good. And yes, it connects to the greater MCU……/captain-marvel-review-spoilers-for-aveng…/