German Invasion of Poland

World War Two

World War Two Documents


The Anti-Comintern Pact (Signed November 25, 1936)

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Signed August 24, 1939)

Text of Adolf Hitler's Proclamation to the German Army announcing war with Poland (September 1, 1939)

British Declaration of War on Germany, September 3, 1939

The Tripartite Pact (Signed September 27, 1940)

Atlantic Charter of August 14, 1941

President Roosevelt's Message To Congress on the Atlantic Charter of August 21, 1941


U.S. Declaration of War Against Japan (December 8, 1941)

Lend Lease Agreement (February 23, 1942)

Anglo-American Agreement of February 28, 1942

President Roosevelt's D-Day Prayer to the Nation (June 6, 1944)

The Yalta Conference Agreements (February 11, 1945)

Japanese Surrender Documents (September 2, 1945)