The Star Wars Franchise
Copyright © 1998-2013 History Guy Media; Last Modified: 04.10.13
Disney's Purchase of Star Wars Brings a New Hope to Fans
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Star Wars
Star Wars --The Star Wars franchise includes six popular science-fiction films, an animated movie, an animated television show, several computer and video games, and an ever-growing collection of novels. The Star Wars phenomenon began in 1977 with the release of the first movie, then called simply "Star Wars." This movie was the brainchild of film maker George Lucas, and starred Sir Alec Guinness, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and the voice of James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
Darth Vader
The first three movies ran from 1977 through 1983. This initial trilogy followed the lives of (as we later learned), the adult children of the series' erstwhile villain, Darth Vader. Then, in 1999, a new, second Star Wars trilogy hit the movie theaters, looking at early life and origins of Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), and his descent into the Dark Side.
Anakin Skywalker goes to the Dark Side
On October 30, 2012, it was announced that Star Wars creator George Lucas had sold his Lucasfilms company (and all things related to Star Wars) to Disney. Along with this stunning announcement came word from Disney that Star Wars VII would hit theaters in 2015. Star Wars fans immediately began theorizing and fantasizing about what the next movie in the Star Wars Franchise could be about.
News has trickled out of Lucasfilms, Disney, and from the comments of various stars from the original film series. At last report, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill have all confirmed that they would all be returning in some fashion, to the new Star Wars film.
Fans also began speculating on what the new film would be based on, with dozens of popular Star Wars novels in publication that, in one sense, already formed an "Expanded Universe" from which to draw scirpt ideas.
Another interesting point, and, for some fans, a controversial one, is the cancellation after five seasons of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show. Among the unfinished storylines in the animated series (which Lucasfilms indicated was part of the official Star Wars Canon, is the fate of Anakin Skywalker's padawan, Ahsoka Tano. The series brought Anakins's slide toward the Dark Side more detail and logic, and the series ended with Ahsoka walking out of Ani's life.
Ahsoka Tano of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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