Machete Kills
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Machete Kills
Following the success of 2010's bloody hit, Machete, Robert Rodriguez is making Machete Kills, which continues the tale of Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo), who plays a Mexican police officer (a federale), who runs afoul of the drug cartels, and is forced to flee to America. The original film featured Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, (who are all in the second film), as well as Robert DeNiro, Jeff Fahey, Cheech Marin, Lindsay Lohan, Don Johnson, and Steven Seagal.
The sequel, Machete Kills, is due out in 2013, also features Charlie Sheen as the President of the United States, Cuba Gooding Jr., Zoe Saldana, Vanessa Hudgens, and, in her acting debut, music sensation, Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga in her Machete Kills Poster
Images and Stills From Machete Kills:
Jessica Alba and Danny Trejo in Machete Kills
Sources and Links on Machete Kills:
Machete Kills--IMDB movie database
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