The List of 2012 Presidential Republican Candidates
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Copyright © 1998-2012 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 01.16.12
The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present The List of 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
The race for the 2012 Presidential election is in full swing, with multiple Republicans competing for the chance to represent their political party in the November, 2012 presidential election against incumbent President Barack Obama.Below is a list of declared Republican presidential candidates in alphabetical order:
Michelle Bachmann--Congresswoman from Minnesota.
Herman Cain--former Federal Reserve banker; from Minnesota.
Newt Gingrich--former Congressman and Speaker of the House; from Minnesota.
John Huntsman, Jr.--former Ambassador to China, and former Governor of Utah; from Utah.
Gary Johnson-- former Governor of New Mexico.
Ron Paul--Congressman from Texas.
Tim Pawlenty--Governor of Minnesota. Came in 3rd in the August 2011 Iowa Straw Poll and dropped out of the race on August 14, 2011.
Rick Perry--Governor of Texas. Announced his candidacy on August 13, 2011.
Buddy Roemer --Former Governor of Louisiana . Campaign Website
Mitt Romney-- former Governor of Massachusetts. Campaign Website
Rick Santorum-- former Senator from Pennsylvania.
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