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The History Guy Website
Copyright © 1998-2011 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 03.03.11
The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present ![]()
Korean War Links and Resources
US Army Center for Military History online books - official histories http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/online/Bookshelves/KW.htmKorean War Project--http://www.koreanwar.org/
Korean War Veterans Memorial National Memorial (U.S. National Park)--Official National Park Service site for the Washington memorial. Illustrated description and background.
The Korean War and its Origins: From the Truman Presidential Library-- http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/koreanwar/index.php
Policy and Directions: The First Year - http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/truce/fm.htm
South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu - http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/20-2-1/toc.htm
Ebb and Flow - http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/ebb/fm.htm
Truce Tent and Fighting Front - http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/truce/fm.htm
Combat Actions in Korea - http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/30-2/30-2_con.htm
US Army Center for Military History - Korean War Maps
Dean Acheson's Speech to the National Press Club, January 12, 1950--Secretary of State Acheson's appearance at the National Press Club is where he gave a speech in which it appears he excluded South Korea from America's "defense perimeter." It is widely believed that North Korea invaded South Korea believing that the U.S. would not intervene based on this speech by Acheson. See the links to this historic speech.
Dean Acheson's Press Club Speech Reexamined: From the Journal of Conflict Studies-- http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/JCS/bin/get.cgi?directory=spring02/&filename=matray.htm(Even a Few) Words Matter : Bad actors look hard for the smallest sign that they might get away with aggression without consequences--commentary by historian Victor Davis Hanson on the historical ramifications of the Acheson speech and similar incidents in history, with an eye to current 21st century events.
Australia in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/australia.html
Belgian Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/belgium.html
Canadians in Korea, 1950-1953--http://www.korean-war.com/canada.html
Colombian Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/colombia.html
Danish Hospital Ship "Jutlandia" in the Korean War-http://www.korean-war.com/jutlandia.html
Ethiopian Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/ethiopia.html
French Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/france.html
Greek Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/greece.html
Medical Units From India in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/60thindian.html
Italy's Contribution to the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/italianRChospital.html
Luxembourg in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/luxembourg.html
Dutch Participation in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/netherlands.html
New Zealand in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/newzealand.html
Medical Units From Norway in the Korean War --http://www.korean-war.com/normash.html
Philippine Forces in the Korean War--http://www.korean-war.com/phlippines.html
South Africa in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/soafrica.html
South Korean Army in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/sokorea.html
Sweden's Field Hospital in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/swedishhospital.html
Thailand in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/thailand.html
Turkish Forces in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/turkey.html
United Kingdom (British) Forces in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/unitedkingdom.html
United Nations Command of the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/unitednations.html
United States Military in the Korean War-- http://www.korean-war.com/USUnits.html
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