Flag of Poland
Polish Intervention in Russia (1605-1609)-Polish took advantage of Russia's "Time of Troubles" to intervene militarily in Russia.
Battle of Balkhov (1608)-A Polish army, allied with 45,000 Cossacks, defeated the forces of Basil Shuisky.Battle of Chadyuka River (1608) --Poles again defeat Basil Shuisky and bring another pretender to the Russian throne to power.
Russo-Polish War (1609-1618)-Polish intervention in Russia in support of Russian political factions ends as King Sigismund III of Poland claims the Russian throne for himself and declares war on Russia.
Russo-Polish War (1632-1634)-Russia invades Poland. Poland defeated and Polish King Ladislas renounces claims to Russian throne and recognizes Czar Michael as Russian king.
Cossack Uprising in Ukraine Against Poland (1648-1654)-Cossack leader Bogdan Chmielnicki led an bloody war against Polish rule in Ukraine. His rebel force also included Ukrainian peasants and he was allied to the Tartar Khan in the Crimea, who supplied troops to fight the Poles. The war expanded to include Russia in 1654 with the Treaty of Pereiaslavl, in which the Cossacks ceded sovereignty over Ukraine to Russia. This caused a new Russo-Polish War.
Russo-Polish War (1654-1656) -Taking advantage of Poland's involvement in the Ukraine and its troubles with the Cossacks, Russia under Czar Alex attacks Poland. The war ends as Poland's ally, the Crimean Tarters, intervene against the Russians in the Ukraine, defeating the Cossacks, and forcing the Russians to withdraw. War ends with the three-year Truce of Nimieza.
Russo-Polish War (1658-1666)--After an unsuccessful war against Sweden (and a three-year truce with Stockholm), Russia renews its old war against Poland by invading Lithuania. The Poles were again assisted by the Crimean Tartars. The war ended with Poland and Russia dividing Ukraine between them in the Treaty of Andrusovo.
Kosciuszko Uprising (1794) -Polish uprising against Russian rule. Russia defeated the rebels.
Polish Revolution [Also known as the November Uprising ] (1830-1831)-Russian-ruled Poland rebelled and was crushed. Inspired by 1830 Paris Revolution.
Second Polish Revolution [Also known as the January Uprising] (1863-1864)-Polish rebels waged a mostly guerrilla war against Russian rule. Rebellion defeated.
Russian Revolution in Poland (19051907) -Poles participated in the anti-Czarist 1905 Russian Revolution. Czarist forces retained power throughout the Russian Empire. Polish unrest, largely in the form of industiral worker strikes, continued into 1907.
World War I (1914-1918)--Last war of the Hapsburg Empire, Russian, and German (Second Reich) Empire, all of whom had gained territory at the expense of Poland over the past 150 years or so. At the conclusion of World War One, all three of these empires ended, with territory taken from each to form several new, independent nations, including a reconstituted Poland. Much of the fighting on the Eastern Front took place on Polish soil, with Polish conscripts forced to fight on both sides.
Polish-Soviet War (1919-1921)--Major war between Poland and Russia/The Soviet Union.
Sejny Uprising -(August 22-29, 1919)--Polish uprising against Lithuania . Rebels were supported by the Polish Army.
German Invasion of Poland (September 1, 1939-October 6, 1939)--Germany invaded Poland on September 1, and Britain, France, and Canada, declared war on Germany on September 3. The Soviet Union joined the war on Germany's side on September 17, with the Soviet Invasion of Poland from the east. The German Invasion of Poland (called Operation Case White/Unternehmen Fall Weiss by the Germans), marks the beginning of World War Two in Europe. (NOTE: World War Two in Asia is generally considered to have begun with the Japanese Invasion of China in 1937)
Polish Uprising (1956)--Polish uprising against Soviet domination. Failed.
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