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Politics with
The History Guy
Councilman Shawn Bunney R-1st District, Pierce County,Washington
Shawn Bunney is a Pierce County (WA) Politician and Officeholder
The History Guy Website Copyright © 1998-2005 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 07/01/05
Shawn Bunney-
Shawn Bunney is currently in his first term representing Pierce County's 1st Council District, which includes the cities of Buckley, Wilkeson, Carbonado, Bonney Lake, Sumner, Edgewood, Milton, South Prairie, Orting, and Graham, and the Lake Tapps/Dieringer area.
In 2002, he defeated four other candidates in the Repblican Primary, and then won the General Election over a Democrat and a Libertarian.
Prior to running for office, Shawn Bunney worked for over ten years as legal and policy counsel to the Pierce County Council. He also served as a coordinator of the Lake Tapps Task Force.
Councilman Bunney and his wife live in the Lake Tapps area.
--Evergreen State College--University of Puget Sound School of Law (Tacoma, Washington)--1993
--Bunney served as a White House Intern with President Ronald Reagan, and as a Travel and Special Events Coordinator for U.S. Treasury Secretary.--Shawn Bunney attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America
--Passed the Washington State Bar Exam in 1994
"The History Guy" is a Registered Trademark.
Lee, R. "The History Guy: Council Member Shawn Bunney "
Patti --Wife
Political Opponents
(Nov. 5, 2002 Council General Election)
Jerry Hartley (D)
Jay Argo (I)
Bunney (R): 13,743 votes (47.56%)Jerry Hartley (D) 11,690 votes (40.46%)
Jay Argo (I) 3,387 votes (11.72%)
(Sep 17, 2002 Council Primary Election)
Dave Enslow (R)
Gerry Gustafson (R)
Keith Peterson (R)
Robert "Bob" Young (R)
Shawn Bunney (R):2,586 votes (15.62%)Gerry Gustafson (R): 2,441votes (14.74%)
Dave Enslow (R): 2,193 votes (13.24%)
Robert "Bob" Young (R): 1,934 votes
Keith Peterson (R): 986 votes
Links and Resources on Dave Reichert
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