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Politics With
The History Guy
Candidate Alex Alben D-8th District, Washington
(b. 1958)
The History Guy Website Copyright © 1998-2006 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 08.03.07
Alex Alben- (b. 1958)
Alex Alben ran as a Democrat for the United States House of Representatives twice, losing both times. He ran as a Democrat in Washington's 8th Congressional District in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, he lost to incumbent Republican Representative Jennifer Dunn. In 2004, he lost the Democratic Primary to radio talk show host Dave Ross.
--Graduate of StanfordUniversity (1980)--Stanford Law School (1984)
--Boys and Girls Club, YWCA and Youth-Theatre Northwest.
-- Early 1980s --Research assistant at CBS News.--In 1985 he worked as an entertainment lawyer for the Beverly Hills law firm of Rosenfeld, Meyer & Susman.
-- Worked with legal and business affairs for Orion Pictures and Warner Bros. until 1993.
--Served as General Counsel and Vice-President for Business Affairs at Starwave Corporation
--Served as the head of government affairs for RealNetworks.
Guest Columnist:Changing TV economics prompts fresh thinking about public airwaves--By Alex Alben,Special to The Times, March 7, 2007
"The History Guy" is a Registered Trademark.
Lee, R. "The History Guy: Candidate Alex Alben"
Ellen Alben --Wife
Emily Alben --Daughter
Jeremy Alben --Son
Political Opponents
Jennifer Dunn (2002 Congressional Election)
Dave Ross-(2004 Congressional Primary Election)--Democratic Primary Opponent
Heidi Behrens-Benedict (2004 Congressional Primary Election)----Democratic Primary Opponent
Links and Resources on Dave Ross
Washington Secretary of State's website for the 2004 election
Alex Alben--Wikipedia article
Site Map--revision in progress