History Guy.com Social and Political Issues:
Welfare Reform
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History Guy SiteMap Social and Political Issues:
Welfare Reform
Click on a link to examine different views and details about this issue. General Welfare Reform Links
Action Alert: Welfare Reform - examining the correlations between welfare reform and domestic violence.Democratic Hot Topics: Welfare Reform
Devolution in Action: Welfare Reform Two Years Later - how has welfare fared under devolution?
Five Media Myths About Welfare - from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
Idea Central: Welfare and Families - discussion of family issues, welfare reform, politics and policy from liberal and progressive authors.
In Focus: Welfare Reform - from AllPolitics.
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
Title IV - Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act of 1996 - restricting welfare and public benefits for aliens.
Welfare Policy Center - conducts research and provides technical assistance on welfare reform.
Welfare Reform & Education in New York State - explores issues and policies related to Welfare Reform, Welfare-to-Work, and education.
Welfare Reform -- Introduction - designed to substitute facts for myth in the important public battle over welfare reform.
Welfare Reform Academy - helps state and local officials, private social service providers, and other interested parties take full advantage of the Welfare Reform Law.
Welfare Reform and Children - four-year study of families and children in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio. Conducted by Johns Hopkins University.
Welfare Reform and the General Welfare
Welfare Reform Resource Project - a public policy initiative of Regent University.
Welfare Reform Watch - coverage of welfare reform efforts underway in Congress and at the state level.
Welfare Reform: An Analysis of the Issues - from The Urban Institute.
Welfare Special Report - overview, stories and opinions from the Washington Post.
Welfare Watch - media monitoring project at the Annenberg School for Communication.
Welfare To Work Division of Indian & Native American Programs
ETA Welfare to Work - from the U.S. Department of Labor.
MDRC: Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation - nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization that develops and evaluates innovative approaches to moving people from welfare to work and improving education for at-risk youth.
Policy.com: Welfare to Work - explores the impact of federal welfare legislation.
Welfare to Work Partnership - a nonpartisan, nationwide effort designed to encourage and assist private sector businesses with hiring people on public assistance.
Source: Yahoo!