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The Mandarin (1st Appearance: Tales of Suspense #50 in February, 1964) ![]()
The Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley in the upcoming Iron Man 3 Movie
The Mandarin-(1st Appearance: Tales of Suspense # 50) The Mandarin is one of Iron Man's most persistent and dangerous enemies. The Mandarin's ten powered rings enable him to battle Iron Man and other heroes to a standstill. The Mandarin is half English, and half Chinese, and originally appeared as in the 1964 Tales of Suspense #50 as one more of Iron Man's Communist and/or Asian foes. Iron Man creator and writer, Stan Lee, was a major anti-Communist, and many Iron Man (and other heroes) stories featured villains from behind the Iron Curtain.![]()
Tales of Suspense # 50 The Mandarin's First Appearance The Mandarin is the featured villain in the new Iron Man 3 Movie. "The Mandarin" was played by Oscar-winning actor Ben Kingsley. Many fans of the Iron Man comic books were, shall we say, somewhat disappointed at the portrayal of The Mandarin character in the third Iron Man film. The character played by Ben Kingsley was far and away different from the classic comic book Mandarin.
Ben Kingsley as "The Mandarin" from Iron Man 3 The Mandarin's power comes largely from the ten rings he wears on his fingers. The Mandarin discovered these rings, which were created by an alien race called "The Makluan." The most famous member of the Maluan race is Fin Fang Foom, who was originally thought to be an Earth dragon from legendary times.These ten rings each have a distinctive and unique power or ability. From left to right, these rings are:
1. A Black Light Disintegrator ring
2. Vortex Power ring
3. Sonic Blast ring
4. Poison Gas ring
5.White Light ring
6. Flame Burst ring
7. Electro-Blast ring
8. Mass Hypnotizer ring
9. Mento-Intensifier Ring
10. Ice Blast ring
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Iron Man 3 Trailer Featuring Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin
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