Age Debut: Batman #1 in Spring, 1940)

in the 1940s
(Selina Kyle) --1st appearance: Batman #1 (1940).--The
Catwoman is one of Batman's more complex foes. Unlike her
occassional mentally disturbed allies the Joker, Riddler,
and Scarface (among others), Catwoman is not insane.
Indeed, she is a perfectly sane cat-burglar and jewel
thief whose leads a life of crime and at times attempts
to turn her sexual attentions on the Batman.
Her origin
is somewhat muddled. In her first appearance in Batman
#1, she is a thief and mistress of disguise simply known
as "The Cat," without her trademark Catwoman costume. In
her second appearance, in Batman #2, she teams with the
murderous Joker, at least until Joker attempts to kill
Robin, whereupon she turns on the Joker.
Through the
years, the Catwoman has taken turns as a villain and as a
hero (or anti-hero), who will temporarily give up
larcenous pursuits to do the right thing, or just to try
to win Batman's heart (or other parts of his

A more
modern version of Catwoman

The many
looks of the Catwoman through the years.
and Stills of the Various Catwoman
Julie Newmar played the
first television version of Catwoman for the Batman
television show of the 1960s. Julie Newmar portayed
Catwoman in twelve episodes in the classic Catwoman
costume which she designed herself. The costume is on
display at the Smithsonian. Julie Newmar was living in
New York at the time that she was called upon to audition
for the role of Catwoman.
According to Julie Newmar,
""I had lived in New York at the time on Beekman Place, I
remember it was a weekend, Friday or Saturday, and my
brother had come down from Harvard with five or six of
his friends, and we were all sitting around the sofa,
just chatting away, when the phone rang. I got up and
answered it , and it was the agent or someone in
Hollywood, who said, Miss Newmar, would you like to play
the Catwoman on the Batman series? They are casting it
out here. I was insulted because he said It starts
Monday. I said 'What is this' That's how television is
done: they never know what the are doing until yesterday.
My brother leapt off the sofa. I mean he physically
levitated and said BATMAN! that's our favorite show at
Harvard. We all quit our classes and quit our studies and
run into the TV room and watch the show. I said , They
want me to play Catwoman. He said DO IT ! so I said O.K.
I'll do it." Source:
Newmar: Catwoman:

Newmar, the Original TV Catwoman

West as Batman and Julie Newmar as
Kitt replaced Julie Newmar for the third season of the
Batman show. Julie Newmar was unable to reprise her
Catwoman role due to her work on the movie,
"Mackenna's Gold."
While the Newmar Catwoman
pursued a sort of romance/mutual attraction with Batman,
which is similar to the comic lore, the replacement of
Newmar by Eartha Kitt spelled the end to any sexual
attraction between the now-black Catwoman and the
lily-white Batman. This was the 1960s, and very few
television shows were willing to risk alienating viewers
with an inter-racial relationship.
Kitt as Catwoman

Kitt as Catwoman
Lee Meriwether played
Catwoman in the 1966 Batman movie, replacing Julie
Newmar, who was unavailable. Prior to her turn as
Catwoman, Lee Meriwether was best known as the Miss
America of 1955.
as portrayed by Lee Meriwether
Catwoman took a live-action
hiatus from the movies until 1992's Batman Returns
brought Michelle Pfeiffer to the role as Batman's
sexually alluring (and leather-clad) nemesis.
Pfeiffer as Catwoman
Halle Berry portrayed a
version of Catwoman in the 2004 film called, simply,
Catwoman. This edition of the famed villainous
almost should not count, as this film had nothing to do
with the comic book Catwoman, had nothing to do with
Batman or Gotham, and contained a Catwoman backstory that
used a different name from Selina Kyle, and completely
changed the origin story.

Berry as a very alternate version of
Anne Hathaway will play the
latest iteration of Catwoman in the upcoming Batman film
Knight Rises,
due out in 2012. Hathaway is the star of such films as
The Princess Diaries (2001), Brokeback
Mountain (2005), The Devil Wears Prada (2006),
Get Smart (2008), Rachel Getting Married
(2008), and Alice in Wonderland (2010)
as portrayed by Anne Hathaway 2012
and Links on Catwoman:
History: Catwoman
Book Database: Batman
Dark Knight Rises (2012): Exclusive Trailer Related Plot
Book News
Knight Rises' Trailer Hits The Net!: Clip offers glimpse
of villain Bane in action while Liam Neeson's Ra's Al
Ghul resurfaces in